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Notes of Music, organic gardening, eco-building, Permaculture designs and explorations along this Path in Life.

22 January 2014

Floor fixing: day three

Today the concrete layer was just left to dry... jai yen-yen, that's the thai way, nothing to worry as time flows along! Keep cool while everything slowly proceeds... even when it seems it's all still. 
Quite a big gap it's going to need to be filled... how? we are not yet given to know but hopefully we may have the chances to interact as we get closer to the final layer: an interesting option could involve clay and linseed oil to make it hard and water proof.

It's about another 5-6 cm to go and anyway we'll see: it may be to hard to promote an alternative way of thinking even if it would be way cheaper using all local elements. Just let it flow...

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