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Notes of Music, organic gardening, eco-building, Permaculture designs and explorations along this Path in Life.

25 February 2024

Setting a space column

Sure enough when some time ago I spotted a great building potential in a certain log stuck in the canal, I didn't really know what it was going to happen to it and indeed now... it's filling the space.
It became a space column!!!

Check out all the details of the wood working construction process...

06 February 2024

Archeological findings

While the cork flooring insulation is still maturing upstairs, the waiting time it's perfect for opening another big battle field and approach the reconstruction of the ground floor in what it's going to be the "community kitchen"... Digging out and sifting earth from rocks and gravel, a few interesting items came out too.

01 February 2024

Useful fishing

During a swift patrol walk to the canal I noticed that something weird was sticking out of the water. So I grabbed the propped harpoon made out of a long rebar, always ready nearby...