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Notes of Music, organic gardening, eco-building, Permaculture designs and explorations along this Path in Life.

Eco projects

In this section I am listing various open source design ideas and workshops that range in a broad field of interests, within Permacultureeco-building design and applications of alternative energy. For more details, sharing credits and maybe crowd funding purposes please get brightly enlightened and contact me right away... :)

RawJah house

Working on the development of a thriving collective residential and workshop space to develop sustainable practices and artistic creation. Live events, expositions, demonstrations, artist house.

 Support with crowd funding now!!! 

Biochar workshops

Efficient production of charcoal for farming purposes (called biochar) from woody residue, (1) creating healthy soil, (2) improving water retention, (3) adding organic matter and last but not least (4) sequestering carbon dioxide. The whole process has a carbon negative result, aiming at a highly positive effect on global ecological issues.

Demonstrations and classes available prior to arrangements on Elsa stove construction and operation, a highly efficient open source design developed by the University of Udine (Italy).

Every consistent production and deposit of biochar in the soil for this purpose is documented and registered in a public database to gather the attention on carbon credits. This is the CO2OffsetBank project, the bank based on an ecological credit that we can breathe and share with future generations.

Biotope-type design  

How about living in a highly developed edible space, enhancing beautiful interactions between human activities and all the realms of Life? 

This is the main goal of a biotope-type design, aiming at a sustainable improvement of food production, supporting local economy, reducing the big footprint of wasteful food distribution and conventional housing. Following of course organic farming practices and Permaculture principles.

Check out some of the
geodesic designs that I have been studying and working on.
They are all aimed at the creation of greenhouses where you can live into, maybe partially buried underground and definitely able to stack multiple functions like growing food and collect water along side all the basic features of a regular house.

Please get in touch for customized options and tailored projects.

Eco-ethical practices

Many challenges of our times have been created by the malignant ignorance that has been broadcast since the beginning of the industrial age until now, leading to constant competition and indifference to the sufferings of Mother Nature and our fellow beings.
We're slaves of
 consumerism until we find ways to be liberated ourselves and become eco-producers! 


Demonstrations and constant workshops available on:
making compost

organic farming
food production (Ohme made).

Localized wind power

Wind is in the air... but even when the wind is low, vehicles are moving! So, what about implementing a localized wind power system, made of arrays of small vertical windmills placed along the side of high ways? or even on the edge of roundabouts?

This is just a humble open source vision.
Maybe in a world were most of the traffic runs on electric powered vehicles and free energy... A better world that we all deserve.


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