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Notes of Music, organic gardening, eco-building, Permaculture designs and explorations along this Path in Life.

24 April 2014

Kitchen ready!

Yeah, plus/minus a few little touches our kitchen it's all functional since last night! Drain still a bit leaking but it's hard to do it without a proper sealing glue... 

Dinner, breakfast and lunch already tested and enjoyed so... we are ready for guests anytime!
New features... on the left a new shelf, still half full with tools at the moment but it's going to be nice to store food and kitchen utensils: it's all made from our local bamboo (split into slices), recovered teak and a branch (possibly tamarind wood) that I found in our back yard.

Experimental hanging drawer basket: let's see how many times we tilt it before getting used to it... it works nicely keeping delicate food away from the floor and all the creeping creature that are our ehm guests. 

Sink side: recovered tile pieces and teak. It costed me about a euro worth of glue... which I still have half of it. Nice and sturdy thanks to all the notches but still not completely water proof due to lack of silicon on the back, against the wall.
 Long neck tap: it's actually recovered from the previous installation and it's not leaking!

The support of the window may evolve soon into something more sturdy than that bamboo stick... but it's enough for now!
Here we go!

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