Things have been moving pretty slowly on the ecobuilding site.
Today after already the first session of treatment against termites a few days ago, a new "settlement" of insects has been found in our lumber stack, some of which unfortunately got wet over time. Indeed it's a quite tricky situation because besides loosing the material that gets spoiled, the whole house is under serious threat! The local thais here do not seem too much worried but definitely do not underestimate the danger and support some *solution* of the problem.
On the naturalistic point of view, sad for this organized settlement that was "abruptly" removed, we can only admire the ability of these little creatures, adapted to the darkness of their lifestyle, miners of teak wood.
So anyway, after this and several other delays due to very predictable human factors, today I have also started to put together the frame that is going to hold the next stages of earth construction. Actually it's going to be the first test of the clay/straw mix.... soon we'll see!
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