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06 January 2020

Emergency FFF Farming Fields of Fire

Between the very many japanese ideograms that tickle my mind, some of the most interesting are in the sequence shown in the following picture. The two ideograms on the left written together form the one on the right that means "field".

The other two by each other mean "
fire" and "rice paddy". It's a very peculiar combination if we consider the conceptual sequence of the symbols: first it comes the fire in order to make a field from the rice paddy. This clearly points to some sort of ancient agricultural practice and in fact, in some places in Japan, at the end of the harvest season, farmers still traditionally burn rice husks on their rice paddy. They pile up all the husks in a steep mound and then set it on fire lighting it up from the top so that most of it turns into husk charcoal biochar, ready to spread on the field. This is believed to give back to the soil the silica and the nutrients that are needed to grow rice the following year.

There is not doubt that this is not equal to a so called "slow burn" of the forest but in fact it's implied that taming the forest with fire had already happened from before. Making a flooded rice paddy requires plowing and leveling the soil and so it's a quite invasive practice on a natural landscape... consuming by the way huge amounts of water every year.

Burning, plowing, farming.
This is the sequence taught by conventional agriculture since thousands of years. This is the very treasure of hierarchic human structures, organized in not-nomadic settlements.
This is the dogmatic faith that supported the primary food supply of the patriarchy until now, dismantling every other threat posed by native cultures across the world.
The patriarchy ruled over the property of land, of natural resources, of human lives, of women, of cattle. Gang power control and ultimately war.

Let's address this as a pivoting point in human history. Something that turned humans away from the balanced condition of respect and harmony with the Nature. Now the twisted consequences of this brutal misconduct are posing a serious threat to entire ecosystems. Besides the catastrophic conditions of oceans, rivers and native forests, the depression deeply felt by the heart of all the sensitive people is linked to the collective suffering under the patriarchy... their fields of fire don't feed the soul. Neither does consumerism. Materialism kicks in as an economic strategy of consent. Love is ruled as a wedding property by monogamy and when it fails, there's no collective healing to a broken hearted individual. Loneliness is the ultimate goal of the evil.

This is a very profound meditation leading to an almost obvious conclusion.
We all need to wake up and stop feeding ourselves with the worthless values of patriarchy.

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