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Notes of Music, organic gardening, eco-building, Permaculture designs and explorations along this Path in Life.
31 October 2013
Raw vegan mango cake (tested!)
30 October 2013
Raw vegan mango cake
Today's Ohme made creation: no-sugar, (no-banana on request again) raw vegan mango cake. Just made it... experimenting with other dried fruit and different nuts: no cashew nuts this time.
タイ王国 チエンマイ
Raw vegan papaya cake
Here is another Omhe made production, another cake... and it's gone already!
Again it's been a raw vegan cake and this time totally no-sugar and no-bananas as a special request.
27 October 2013
"Passive" vacuum cleaning
Here is a good one: what to do with used sticky tape, before throwing it away?
Just one thing to do...
Guitar bridge repairs
Along the path I have found several acoustic instruments that needed proper attention. Moisture and carelessness can make serious damage even to the best instruments. This is a quite cheap guitar but poor thing... it needs to be fixed!
The bridge it's coming off and actually all the top wood of the body is bending in a weird way: nothing I can do about that but maybe the bridge will last longer with some extra support and some wood glue.
The bridge it's coming off and actually all the top wood of the body is bending in a weird way: nothing I can do about that but maybe the bridge will last longer with some extra support and some wood glue.
Ohme made kefir and raw vegan cake
As we all safely returned to our present family base in Payaka Chiangmai, a proper celebration was need so I have started again some healthy Ohme made productions: kefir (naturally carbonated drink) and raw vegan cakes... both of which turned out very well!!! The cakes are gone (last bites left at the moment) but many more are due to come and the kefir is going to be in production from now on, as we keep staying here. Come on and try some!
Kefir: the jar at its first day...
24 October 2013
Termite attack under the roof

A few months have passed since we had our first termite attack but this time unfortunately they started making serious damage to the wooden supports of roof of the buildings. Here it's where the leak is really bad...
Cyclone mosquito trap
Cool... just when to the acupuncture clinic here in Chiangmai and look what I found: I had never seen this kind of mosquito traps before! I didn't have my camera on me but this link brings you directly to the website page of the thai manifacturer. Check out how it works in this video: mosquitoes are attracted by UV lights and then sucked in by a small fan so apparently you can "catch" them alive and then feed them to your lizards and bats...
23 October 2013
Quick handcraft project: crochet and hand stitches
Here is a couple of night-time handcraft projects: a little crochet purse (guess I am going to used it for small tools) and a hand stitched patch on a vest that's probably it's becoming my working vest... check it out. It's going to be soon ready!
It's all reused material too...
Plastic pollution in the Pacific
Besides the highest purpose of composting to create fertile soil and grow what we need, I really highly recommend everybody to start using fully biodegradable products; if we cannot, let's try to reuse the same item many times then recycle it wisely... and pray that it's not going to finish again like this... please watch and share!
You would have never thought at plastic pollution in these terms, until you watch this video: please watch it, it's awesome, share it widely and keep it in your heart... think about it next time you're dumping somewhere, some non-fully biodegradable products... and who knows who is going to take care of them?!?!?
20 October 2013
Amazing mechanic machine
At some point, this summer in Japan we went to meet some friends and visit their seedling farm: with great amusement and surprise I spotted this incredible machine to process rice. It's still perfectly working and at the time of harvest it must be spectacular to see it do its job: get the husk out and sort the seeds by their size.
Follows a sequence of other detailed pictures.
Follows a sequence of other detailed pictures.
15 October 2013
Carbon negative food and body products
The wealth of wisdom of Asian traditions has brought on the market several products that without doubt are intrinsically carbon negative, utilizing highly selected charcoal powder to create healthy detoxifying food and body products, like this hemp charcoal salt mix, a charcoal powder tooth pasts and a charcoal soap... amazing selection isn't it?!?!
Wah-shoi! The Spirit of japanese matsuri
So while my luggage is already mostly prepared and the countdown has started before the next big leap along the Path, the time has come to consider the outcome of this summer in Japan. In terms of the human experience, it's been a great opportunity to meet again good old friends and family, making a lot of new amazing connections for the development of future projects.
12 October 2013
Enjoying japanese alternative festivals
The japanese summer festival season has just finished for this year! So much giving thanks for this amazing opportunity we were given to come again to Japan and meet this gorgeously thriving Tribe & extended family that is roaming around campsite, enjoying Music and Nature, sharing truly the best moments of Life, caring for each other and all that is left behind! Follows a list of links to the photo albums of each festival: enjoy!
Thank you all... bless you all!
See you next year... or possibly before ;)
04 October 2013
Splitting wood by scissors
It's going to sound weird and not so relevant but if you need to "process" some biomass, chopping it down quickly and evenly to load a stove for cooking in an outdoor situation, every little improvement counts a lot, since usually there is really very few elements to play with: a pair of gardening scissors, some chunky pieces of wood and you...
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