The kefir jar at its first day: at the beginning the "kefir mother", the limes and all the dry fruits (raisin and dried mango) settle down to the bottom, then slowly the fruits rise to the surface as all the brown sugar and the sugar of the fruits gets eaten by the kefir: then it's time to take it out. In this climate it takes just two days.
Now the cakes! The following is the crust of the raw vegan cakes: softened cashew nuts (soaked overnight), flax seed, dried coconut and a little brown sugar. I divided it in two so that I can try a couple of different arrangements of the filling...
When it's all nicely blended it gets a really nice and playable consistency.
So the two crusts are ready for the filling... it's made blending two fresh bananas, softened cashew nuts, seedless dates, raisin, chocolate crumbs and a little spirulina paste, which is a real treat by itself. It turned out like a really nice mixture and pours down on top very easily!
At this point it's ready to "rest" in the refrigerator for a while before getting the decorations that I have in mind.
Here is it the first stencil decoration with chocolate crumbs... unfortunately it was way too big for the cake so it didn't get the effect I wanted: no big deal, it was still very good to eat! The second attempt, with ground coconut turned out a little better.
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