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07 January 2025

kitchen design detail

Problem solving in a tiny kitchen... the only one operating now at the RawJah house!
How to arrange efficiently wet cutlery on the only available corner of the counter.  

From a sheet of paper to a sheet of aluminum.

The choice of the material is pretty obvious: it's durable and way cheaper than steel. Besides this it's fairly playable and easier to cut and bend to a straight corner without any impressive set of tools and a professional work bench. 

This is the empty corner at the beginning.

This is the aluminum element just set in place.
From the paper design above, just angle grinder with metal disk and a file to get rid of sharp edges and melted debris on the back side of the cuts. Any metal scissor (at least any of those available here) would have bent the sheet making it very tedious to straighten up again...

This is the final result. No big deal at all about the different gradient of grey  compared to the stainless steel sink... Pretty simple and it works. Done job and happy kitchen!

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