One day of poetry at the RawJah house.
Genuine happiness pouring out of the most simple events...
You are here now!
02 December 2020
Postcards from the winter
29 November 2020
Crank power
With this post I would like to document and share a very handy and useful woodworking technique that I had never seen applied before: I just figured it out on my own... solving the problem of working with a living element like wood that keeps always it's own Soul alive even if it is apparently perfectly machine-cut.
In order to complete the wooden floor that lays on top of those lovely logs that I levelled few months ago, I just applied and perfected the reverse concept of the method explained to handle (straightening and fixing) tapped boards... and using even thicker boards (32mm on top of those 20mm boards of the ceiling).
The top boards lay about 3 degrees off the alignment with the lower ones so that the two layers tighten each other up in groups of 4 or 5 boards across the whole length of the room.
07 October 2020
Ready for rainy days
Big effort working against windy weather and short time... but finally we are ready to withstand the winter! The last weak points on the property have been protected here at the RawJah house.
15 September 2020
WOW amazing beauty of here & NOW
10 August 2020
Bye bye babilon
Step by step, one piece at the time, in spite of all the unpredictable events of this year, today here at the RawJah house we have just managed to get all the crappy materials removed from the property and be disposed according to the environmental regulations.
I am talking about those old style roof tiles made of asbestos fiber which is a well known harmful material since many years now and it's illegal in Italy and in most of the world. It was on the high priority list since the very beginning... so finally we are able to look at the future with a much more positive attitude.
02 June 2020
Tapping into wooden boards
So here is a few practical tips and handy tricks to set tapped boards in place... even the most tough ones.
31 May 2020
Logs in slow-motion
From September 24th 2019 to May 31st 2020
23 May 2020
Leveling academy
19 May 2020
Yoga of woodworking
It's beyond Yoga since it's very physical and could be tiring or dangerous. It's an active meditation of awareness, almost like a martial art or a dance. I am going to show also some of my top favorite tools and what I am using now.
06 May 2020
Leveling logs
02 May 2020
Ware Soku Kami Nari
All together it means I am a Divine Being. It is so beautiful to perform this in a big group. Follows an explanation of the meaning of each movement and pronounced sillabe.
10 April 2020
Just focus
Whatever it's happening within our personal horizon, choosing what to focus on changes completely all the lights and shadows around ourselves.
06 April 2020
Food from the wild

05 April 2020
Miso lessons
Follows a brief series of personal thoughts and notes, listing all crucial points to consider for future productions.
26 March 2020
Miso in miso out
Some of the first jars. Over 17 kg this round from the first big bucket and about another 7 kg still resting in another smaller bucket.
19 March 2020
Bound to the wild
This time I do not have any willow for tying like I used to do in the past, so I am going to experiment with an alternative option that I have been selecting from the wild since last year. Right now it looks like this...
18 March 2020
Bamboo arches
06 January 2020
Emergency FFF Farming Fields of Fire
The other two by each other mean "fire" and "rice paddy". It's a very peculiar combination if we consider the conceptual sequence of the symbols: first it comes the fire in order to make a field from the rice paddy. This clearly points to some sort of ancient agricultural practice and in fact, in some places in Japan, at the end of the harvest season, farmers still traditionally burn rice husks on their rice paddy. They pile up all the husks in a steep mound and then set it on fire lighting it up from the top so that most of it turns into husk charcoal biochar, ready to spread on the field. This is believed to give back to the soil the silica and the nutrients that are needed to grow rice the following year.
05 January 2020
Four hundred days for two hands
This is the beginning steps of the first stage of the interior renovation works in the old wing of a century+ year old building, along an ancient canal. It's been quite a discover journey so far, in the techniques and troubles of the old timers.
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Ground floor door opening |