This year is the second time we venture to Japan, offering to the japanese market a selection of hemp goods, grown and processed in Italy. Some of our special goods are definitely *new* to this market, as they come from a very very special laboratory and organic farm in Tuscany; other products, besides being grown in Italy, they are not a big surprise at all for japanese people.
Hemp oil, hemp seeds, hemp nuts and hemp spice mix are quite common in a regular japanese household since there are really deep roots of hemp culture, passing all through the past generations until now, living and lasting in modern Japan as a gift of wisdom from the Past. The connection to hemp is so deep that it gets almost to some sort of subliminal level, somewhere within graphic design but closer to sacred geometry... the pure esoteric magic of symbols. I really Love this...
There are quite a few variations of the main hexagonal design, but it's all symbols linked to *hemp*.
Well, in Japan it's not like this, but there is some sort of a deeper level of connection with roots and traditions that brings up the awareness that we are all harmonically connected: it's just Hemp Culture!!!
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