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Notes of Music, organic gardening, eco-building, Permaculture designs and explorations along this Path in Life.

10 April 2020

Just focus

Just a simple basic thought of my own.
Whatever it's happening within our personal horizon, choosing what to focus on changes completely all the lights and shadows around ourselves.

This makes a really big difference on the frequencies that we allow to reflect and seep into our hearts. Only switching our focus, reveals all the details.  

06 April 2020

Food from the wild

Today my first experiment with a wild crafted herb in Italy that I didn't know before. Alliaria from Brassicaceae family. Nice frittata omelette came out of this handful of leaves.

05 April 2020

Miso lessons

Another big personal lesson closing this new batch of miso this morning. Very deep meditation from the early stages of setup till the moment of cleaning up all the working space.

Follows a brief series of personal thoughts and notes, listing all crucial points to consider for future productions.