Today, we have to get a chance of good weather before the next upcoming forecast rains: it's time to do some biochar in the vineyard... using some of the chopped up branches of grapevines that have been drying in the last days. I guess it counts as one of our special homeschooling days. The preparation is a bit tricky since we have to prepare everything, loading the little car we have available at the moment and reach the spot: do the all thing then... pack up everything and get back home.
Go and "get the moment" becomes a regular attitude when you're homeschooling and my son is my best teacher for this. If you ever have the chance to go play with the sand... then go for it! Do not loose the chance to do a little Permaculture study.
In fact there isn't just sand to play with: we are in the bed of a very wide creek that carries down rocks of all sizes.
I have been studying the stardome module on my own, since a few years now. At the beginning I didn't even know it was called like that... and just a few weeks ago I discovered the original tutorial from the japanese website. Anyway since I have worked out by myself the technique of how to do a geodesic ball (I may have to write on this too someday), I am still going forward on my meditations... So I have been asking myself this simple question: How to cut the sphere in two? That means also what is the ideal base of a stardome?
Yeah... we're really getting so close now to the first test burn. Just a few little details need to be improved and my biggest Elsa stove is going to be making biochar soon.
The pattern needs to be tighten up, to maximize primary air flow.